Branding Resources And Guidelines

Use the following logos for both print and digital media

TREC requires that the broker be identified on all advertising. The correct usage of the logo is that it is at least half the size of the largest element on the ad or business card. In other words, if you are using your own logo or team logo, then the JFR logo must be at least half the size of your logo or icon.

The REALTOR® and Equal Housing logos MUST be used on business cards and websites. Also, when used on websites, the logos must link back to their respective sites. Click on the following logos as an example:

Right click on the logo you would like to use and select "save as"
The white versions can be used over almost any color as to not clash with your design choice

Standard Logo

Standard Blue Color #0A1636

White Logo

White with clear transparent background

Standard Insignia

Standard Blue Color #0A1636

White Insignia

White with clear transparent background